27.2 C
Saturday, June 1, 2024

DEADLY GONORRHOEA Strikes Nairobians In High Number

Tension and panic has rocked residents of Nairobi county where a deadly disease has been reported to be on high rate of infection. According to reports, super gonorrhoea which is a sexually transmitted disease has been reported to be on high increase than ever.

KEMRI has reported that the rate at which gonorrhoea infection is going at is really worrying and it has never been like this before. Kenyans have therefore been warned and urged to be always vigilant about their health and above all use protective measures. Gonorrhoea is one of the deadly sexually transmitted diseases and this is an alarm to people living in Nairobi and its environs.

If protective measures are not used, then chances of the infection cases are likely to increase drastically. Moreover, people should embrace being faithful to their spouses so as yo prevent such incidences from happening to them.

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