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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Kenyan Lady Heading Facebook and Whatsapp Operations

Their is a saying that with determination, every dream becomes possible. Many people have proved this by rising from humble beginning to greatness. Today, a story of Kenyan Lady identified as Kendi Ntwiga resurfaced online. She is among the most celebrated ladies whose reputation is appreciable.

Just like other girls raised in the village, Kendi was used to fetching firewood and water during her primary school in their parents farm in Embu County. After completing her high school, she endeared of moving out to the city to create a better life for herself. According to a post shared by Kenyans.co.ke on twitter, Kendi’s life took another direction after she developed interest in tech.

Parents plays key role in developing child’s passion in life. Kendi’s father influenced her life in her passion for tech. Kendi revealed that her dad spoke to her in admiration of her passion and made her love it even more. Kendi persued computer science.

Her hardwork and discipline after being employed by Oracle made her recognize internationally especially after winning Oracle Excellence award. Kendi is now working at World Mega Facebook based in Ireland.

As service back to the community, she started a program called She-Goes-Tech to mentor young girls persue career in science in technology. She has helped over 3100 students as of 2019.

Here is the link to read more. https://twitter.com/Kenyans/status/1534954729809190913?t=Zu3iycBK1kF-Wkt6ZAX7Yg&s=19

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Kendi Ntwiga

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