24.4 C
Monday, May 6, 2024

More Powers: TSC To Start Hiring Preschool Teachers If Recommendations Are Adopted.

The teachers service commission is constitutionally mandated to register, hire promote and exercise disciplinary control over teachers in both primary and secondary schools in the country.

The commission may soon start handling nursery school teachers if the recommendations by the presidential working party on education are implemented.

Currently, the preschool teachers are employed and managed by the county governments hence their salaries and other terms of service are not uniform.

Currently, TSC has over 300,000 teachers on its payroll who teach in primary, junior and senior secondary schools and colleges.

Should the commission start employing nursery school teachers, the number of teachers on its payroll is likely to go up.

This means that the county governments Should relinquish this function to the national government, a move that may not be received well by the governors of devolved units.

Additionally, the task force has recommended reduction of the number of subjects done by junior secondary school students.

Moreover, the university education will be aligned with the current competency based curriculum which according to the task Force will be retained.

Other recommendations by The task force include scrapping off of the current classification of the secondary schools into national, extra county, county and sub-county schools.

Instead, the task force has proposed that schools be classified according to the pathways they offer.

It now remains to be seen whether the changes will be adopted by the Kenya kwanza government.

Do you support these proposed changes? Feel free to share your thoughts and comments on this on our comments platform.

Content created and supplied by: @yokeabu (via Opera
News )

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