23.5 C
Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Ruto Given Another Warning Over Azimio Demos That Has Left Questions

According to Billow Kerrow, he has gone ahead to give his sentiments, he government is already falling into Raila’s trap; suddenly, Azimio has come to life due to demonstrations.

The government needs to be keen so that the Kenya Kwanza leaders cannot fall into the traps of Azimio La Umoja One Alliance, Raila Odinga, and his supporters.

Regarding this, the Kirinyaga County governor Ann Waiguru has sent a morning message. It has stated that “To fully realize our development agenda for our people, we must be proactive in planning. With my County Finance team to review our Budget FY 23/24 priorities & align our CIDP with the Bottom Up Econ Transformation Agenda (BETA) of the Kenya Kwanza administration.”

Kenya Kwanza government leader William Ruto has been given a warning to be on the look. This is regarding the fact that the Azimio La Umoja One Coalition demos have come to life.

Content created and supplied by: Jos254 (via Opera
News )

Billow Kerrow
Kenya Kwanza
Kirinyaga County
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