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Monday, June 17, 2024

Chelsea Houska Gets Roasted For Latest Selfie: She Looks Like a Kardashian!

By just about any metric, Chelsea Houska is inarguably the most successful of all the Teen Moms.

Chelsea was the most popular cast member during her time on the show, and now, she’s getting ready to reach a whole new level of fame.

Chelsea and husband Cole DeBoer will soon star in their own HGTV show.

Most reality stars dream of one day leveling up to a more “legitimate” media career, but few actually pull off the feat.

Chelsea and Cole on HGTV
Chelsea Houska endured years of abuse at the hands of Adam Lind. Her situation turned around when she met Cole DeBoer!

But has Chelsea’s new career gone to her head — or, more accurately, her face?

That’s the question on the minds of many fans this week thanks to Chelsea’s latest Instagram Story.

She shot the video during a return trip from South Dakota’s Black Hills region, where she and Cole had just embarked on yet another business venture.

Chelsea Houska In Napa
Chelsea Houska has been living her best life lately. And apparently, a lot of her fans have a problem with that.

“I’m just excited so I had to share,” Chelsea told her audience.

“This morning we signed papers for and officially closed on our first investment property.”

Now, the video could have sparked a conversation about the ethics of “investment properties,” as well-off folks supplementing their income by buying up residential real estate is one of the reasons we have a housing crisis in this country.

But that’s not the world’s sexiest topic, so on Reddit and elsewhere, the conversation mostly centered around what appear to be recent changes in Chelsea’s appearance.

“Chelsea Kardashian,” one redditor remarked, according to UK tabloid The Sun.

“It’s Khelsea Kardashian,” another added.

Chelsea Houska Is an Entrepreneur

“She sounds just like this lady parodying Kylie/all the Kardashians,” a third chimed in, seemingly suggesting that Chelsea has adopted the Kard clan’s SoCal accent.

Chelsea may have received some face and lip fillers, but by the standards of MTV reality stars, the work she’s had done is pretty minimal.

But we suppose she should probably expect more of this sort of criticism as her stock continues to rise.

Chelsea at Home
Chelsea Houska recently shared some pics of her home and her family. Unfortunately, the response she received online was rather mixed.

Chelsea and Cole quit Teen Mom in 2020, and fans were baffled by the couple’s decision to walk away from such a lucrative gig.

It wasn’t until much later that the DeBoers shared the news of their HGTV gig.

These days, the couple is under greater scrutiny than ever as they prepare to introduce themselves to a whole new audience.

Chelsea Houska and Adoring Husband
Best marriage on reality TV? Chelsea Houska and Cole are so smitten with each other.

Of course, with more fans come more haters, and these days, Reddit users are picking apart Chelsea and Cole’s relationship like never before.

“Does anyone else feel like their ‘love’ is forced? Anytime I see videos or photos of them I just don’t see or feel the chemistry. I am also looking at them through a screen so that could be it LOL,” one commenter recently wrote.

“It’s not real lol that’s why,” another added.

Chelsea Houska and Amazing Husband
Chelsea Houska shared this photo in honor of her husband and their fourth wedding anniversary.

“I think there’s chemistry. I think they also put on a show for the camera,” a third chimed in.

“I always felt Cole was set up by Teen Mom. They didn’t really meet at a gas station,” a fourth opined.

Yes, Chelsea is setting the world on fire these days — but all that success has led to much harsher criticism.


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