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Friday, April 26, 2024

Here Are Foods You Should Avoid If You Want A Beautiful, Shiny Hair.

Many of us believe that the secret to beautiful, shining hair lies exclusively in investing in high priced hair treatments and the best shampoos and conditioners. Yet, the food we eat can also have a major impact on our hair’s health and beauty. It’s been shown that certain diets might cause hair to become lifeless and dull, while others can encourage healthy shine. In order to maintain healthy, lustrous hair, Healthline suggest, here are foods you should avoid if you want a beautiful, shiny hair.

Sugar: Inflammation caused by consuming too much sugar can harm hair follicles, resulting in dry, lifeless hair.

Oily hair and a greasy scalp are both symptoms of a diet high in fried foods.

Excessive alcohol intake is associated with dehydration, which in turn causes hair to become dry and lackluster.

Added preservatives and artificial ingredients are common in processed foods and can be harmful to hair.

Even though caffeine might help you go through the day, drinking too much of it can dehydrate your body and leave your hair looking dull and lifeless.

Too much of the saturated fats present in meals like red meat and butter can cause your hair to become dry and brittle.

Content created and supplied by: Oluwatosin46 (via Opera
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