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Monday, June 17, 2024

‘Stonehenge mystery solved’: Netizens wowed by viral video showing elephant’s balancing skill

Elephants are one of the most intelligent species and time and again they have proven how incredibly smart they are. Now, in another video going viral across social media sites, an elephant is winning the internet by displaying its amazing balancing skill.

TikTok user Julien Perceval Clap (@julienpercevalcla) was recently visiting the Basel Zoological Garden in Switzerland and his time near the elephant pen was quite rewarding. In the video going viral, a tusker is seen nonchalantly picking up a big log of wood with its trunk and seen trying to balance it on another log of wood fixed on the ground.

While at first it appears like the elephant is struggling a bit to place the log horizontally, to everyone’s surprise, within a few seconds, the animal manages to place it perfectly supporting it with its tusk. The tusker is then seen posing near its creation, beaming with pride as the log manages to hang atop the vertical log without any support.

The amusing video got wider attention when former NBA player Rex Chapman shared it on Twitter, amassing nearly 2 million views in less than 12 hours. “You gotta be kidding me,” the basketball player wrote expressing his bewilderment.

Not just Chapman, others too were equally delighted and surprised by the animal’s understanding of physics. While some tried to explain the science behind it, many simply wondered what sorcery it was. “The mystery is over, now we know how Stonehenge was built,” commented one user. “The elephant looks like it’s waiting for applause,” another quipped.

Here’s how netizens reacted to the video.


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