15.8 C
Thursday, June 13, 2024

“Honk For Jesus. Save Your Soul.” Took Us On A Wild Ride

Warning: this post contains discussion of scandals that are sexual in nature.

Now showing in theaters and available for streaming on Peacock, Honk for Jesus. Save Your Soul. is a satirical film that explores the complex nuances of Black megachurch culture. Although this film does not represent every Black megachurch that exists, it does tackle some truths in a loud manner that left people feeling multiple ways ranging from angry to disappointed, to embarrassed or awakened.

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Peacock / youtube.com

Wherever you fall in that range, or if you care at all, I don’t see this film as a simple exposition of the negative things that can happen in church. Conversely, the film serves as a satirical dissertation we never asked for but got anyway.


There was an original.

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HOORAE Media / Via youtube.com

In 2018, HOORAE Media, an Issa Rae company, presented Honk for Jesus. Save Your Soul. as a short film. The 15-minute original gives viewers a quick look inside the story that was eventually told on bigger screens for a longer time. Although it is laced with greater levels of satire and darker comedy, it is clear that this is a story and perspective that the writers and producers felt needed to be told.


Art often imitates life.


There was a bigger picture.


To whom much is given, much is required.


A lot of church folks are mad, and that’s their right.


Proximity and relationship to power can be dangerous, too.


Choices, man. Choices.


Are comebacks always the right choice?


Triggers and trigger warnings.

Have you seen the movie? What are your thoughts?


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