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Monday, June 17, 2024

Ew! Winery creates coffin-aged wine for Halloween

The Halloween spirit has been in full swing throughout the month of October, with everything spooky being the focus.

This of course means scary movies, decorations, food decoration and oddly, wine as well.

United Kingdom (UK) based company, 19 Crimes however, took things up a notch.

“To give Halloween fans a one-off and unearthly experience, one hundred bottles of red wine were locked within an oak coffin, before being lowered six feet underground (nearly two metres) and laid to rest,” said 19 Crimes.

“Once aged amongst the dead, the wine was then exhumed in the presence of a priest, in the event of any unwanted paranormal activity.”

You read that right, in this world first, these bottles of wine were actually buried in a mock funeral next to actual Victorian graves.

To add to the bizarre concept, the company also has limited glow-in-the-dark wine bottles. And, the marketing for them is just as spooky.

“Buy yourself a bottle and expose the label to natural light during the day for the skeletons to come to life in the dark of the night…Grab one, before it grabs you.”

While Halloween is not huge in South Africa, over the years the holiday, which is mostly celebrated in the US has trickled into the country.

Currently shops are filled with decor, vampire teeth candy and costumes.

Interestingly, Halloween did not originate in the US but in Ireland.

The holiday’s origins may be traced back 2,000 years to the Celtic Samhain celebration, which marked the end of summer.

Although Halloween is now celebrated almost everywhere in the globe, its roots may be traced back to the ancient Celtic holiday of ‘Samhain’ around 100 A.D.



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