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Sunday, June 2, 2024

WATCH: Pooch master Van Gogh enjoying happy retirement after raising thousands for fellow hounds

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A one-eared doggy artist named Van Gogh is enjoying a happy retirement after raising thousands of dollars for other rescue pups. The pooch master had an unfortunate start in life – and lost his ear in a dog fight.

He was taken in by Happily Furever After Rescue in Bethel, Connecticut but initially found a new home hard to come by due to his rough and ready looks. However, that was before rescue centre chief Jaclyn Gartner discovered his amazing talent – painting.

His works are created by placing splodges of paint on a canvas, beneath a film, which Van Gogh then nudges into shape. Many are based on the human Van Gogh’s paintings. As the artworks won him fans he got his own exhibition – and he was adopted by a family in Norwalk, Connecticut in late 2022.

He has, however, retired from painting for now after creating 143 works in total. The happy hound’s legacy lives on, however, as the sale of his artwork has raised thousands of dollars for Happily Ever After. One of his paintings – his version of The Starry Night – also sold for $10,000 – the record ever for a painting by a dog.

“These funds have helped immensely with our medical cases and dogs that required further training,” Gartner adds.

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