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Monday, June 3, 2024

Lana Del Rey’s level of pettiness is refreshing and we’re here for it

Lana Del Rey has seemingly thrown shade at her ex Sean Larkin by promoting her new album in his hometown.

The “Born To Die” hitmaker had a billboard erected in the police officer’s home city of Tulsa, Oklahoma, advertising her upcoming LP “Did You Know That There’s A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd”.

The “Los Angeles Times”reported that the “Video Games” singer posted a selfie of herself in a car with the billboard seen in the background.

The picture was posted on the star’s private Instagram account and had the caption: “There’s only one and it’s in Tulsa”.

And when asked by a fan why she chose Tulsa, she replied: “It’s. Personal.”

Del Rey’s fans have praised her for her level of pettiness.

One commented on the screenshot of the post shared on Reddit: “God I need this level of petty-strength, advertising your album probably about how sad you are in your ex’s hometown – only Lana, this is why I love her.”

Del Rey had already released the title track on Larkin’s birthday.

She spent a lot of time with Larkin in his hometown.

In a profile with the “New York Times”, Larkin said: “When we were in Tulsa we hung out with my law enforcement friends and their spouses. We all Super Bowl partied together, dinners and things like that. Normal things couples do with their friends.”

They started dating in September 2019, but went their separate ways in March 2020.

However, it was said to be amicable between them.

Del Rey said: “We still talk and whatnot, we just have busy schedules right now”.

The 37-year-old star is known for her heart-breaking lyrics about tragic romances.

And Del Rey has previously had to defend herself after being labelled anti-feminist for enjoying a “really physical relationship”.

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She said: “For me, a true feminist is someone who is a woman who does exactly what she wants. If my choice is to, I don’t know, be with a lot of men, or if I enjoy a really physical relationship, I don’t think that’s necessarily being anti-feminist.

“For me the argument of feminism never really should have come into the picture. Because I don’t know too much about the history of feminism, and so I’m not really a relevant person to bring into the conversation. Everything I was writing was so autobiographical, it could really only be a personal analysis.”

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