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Monday, June 17, 2024

Twitter debates a decades-long question: Do you pour the milk first or cereal?

It is that time again – breakfast.

You grab your favourite cereal and milk from the fridge, but which do you pour first? The answer is not so simple.

The cereal-first crowd will have you believe pouring those crunchy flakes first is the only way to know how much milk you need, while the milk-first people insist filling the bowl with liquid first is the only way to keep the cereal from getting soggy.

Earlier this month, a Twitter page called ‘We Rate Dogs’ shared a photograph of a dog named Olaf. The dog was giving judgemental looks to people who put milk first into their cereal bowl.

“This is Olaf. He just saw you pour milk into the bowl before the cereal. Thinks a little bit differently of you now,” read the post. The tweet went viral and garnered more than 76 000 likes and 5 000 retweets. While the adorable dog won fans too, a debate started on what should be put in the breakfast bowl first – milk or cereal.

One user wrote: “My Grandfather, a very detail-oriented man, used to fill his bowl with a precise amount of milk first because he knew it was the right amount to support two bowls of cereal for his breakfast. He didn’t want to add more milk for the second bowl he knew he was going to eat.”

A second user wrote: “the only acceptable time for milk first is when you only have a tiny bit of milk left. nothing worse than a nice big bowl of cereal, then only having enough milk to wet 1/4 of it.”

While a third said she puts cereal in first to ensure she didn’t not put too much milk and make the cereal soggy.

“I’m not a big milk fan, so I have to put the cereal in first to ensure I don’t put too much milk and make the cereal soggy.”

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