FDA, MUSIGA launch drug abuse campaign



The Food and Drugs Authority (FDA), in partnership with the Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA), has launched a drug abuse campaign to mitigate substance abuse among the youth in the country.

The campaign, which is a musical video featuring some prominent musicians including Kwame Eugene, Article Wan, Eno Brony and Bogo Blay, was released yesterday.

This was contained in a statement signed and issued by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the FDA, Mrs Delese Darko, yesterday in Accra.

It said the music video was staged in selected mixed urban settings depicting different scenes of substance misuse peculiar to Ghanaian communities, with emphasis on tobacco, recreational tramadol, and corresponding social enablers.

It decried the adverse effect of drug abuse, especially on the youth, describing it as “dire.”

“The adverse effect of drug abuse are dire and include a diminished immune system, infectious diseases, cardiovascular, respiratory, and gastrointestinal issues and ultimately death,” the statement said.     

The music video formed part of the FDA’s comprehensive strategy in sensitising the public on substance abuse, and adds to its vast interventions and regulatory actions aimed at extenuating drug misuse and tobacco use among the youth.

“The music video is part of the FDA’s comprehensive strategy to sensitise the public on substance abuse.

“This adds to the FDA’s vast interventions and regulatory actions aimed at extenuating drug misuse and tobacco use to ensure responsible use of controlled medicines,” the statement said.


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