Call on residents to contribute to the future of District Six, and hear of its progress


Cape Town – The City of Cape Town has issued a public invitation to an online meeting and open days at the City Hall, to see and hear about the progress made on the future of District Six.

The City, residents, and nominated caretakers have collaborated over the past few months on the Public Realm Study for District Six. Four co-design workshops were held to visualise how the public open spaces, places and streets in District Six could be used to create an inclusive vibrant community.

Deputy mayor Eddie Andrews said District Six was far more than a place of restitution and redress.

The neighbourhood had a rich heritage and was a unique and special part of the city that must be embraced by and integrated with its surroundings.

“The purpose of the work the City is currently doing with the help of the District Six community and interested parties, is to restore the legacy and vibrancy of the former neighbourhood. Communities are formed over time, and much of this happens in public spaces where we often find a sense of belonging.


“The importance of this project and the collaboration with the community and caretakers of District Six cannot be overstated.

“I encourage all to join us – be it through the online meeting, or one of the open days at the City Hall, to see the work that has been done so far,” Andrews said.

Those wanting to attend the open days are reminded to follow the Covid-19 health and safety protocols.

Open House days at the City Hall, Parade Street entrance, will take place as follows:

  • Thursday, December 9, from 2pm to 8pm
  • Friday, December 10, from 9am to 3pm
  • Saturday, December 11, from 9am to 3pm

The City of Cape Town also encouraged residents to participate as all of the comment will feed into design guidelines – the look and feel – of the public open spaces in District Six.

THE City’s deputy mayor and mayoral committee member for Spatial Planning and Environment, Alderman Eddie Andrews, visited the District Six Museum on Friday afternoon. The museum hosted four co-design workshops where the City and the community have been collaborating on the Public Realm Study for District Six. Alderman Andrews met two residents from District Six in the museum, Mr Noor Ebrahim (left), and Mr Suleiman Abzal (right).

Cape Argus


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