AMG Armani goes completely silent after he was asked his source of wealth during a live radio interview » ™


Ghanaian musician, AMG Armani who is also affiliated with AMG Business; a record label owned by Tema-based artiste, Criss Waddle went dead silent when he was asked about his source of wealth.

AMG Armani is one of the few wealthy musicians whose sources of income have been questioned comparing him to the likes of Medikal, Criss Waddle, Dee Money, and others who have been labelled as scammers for flaunting large sums of money on social media.

According to many who have doubt about the huge sums of money they flaunt, they are involved in criminal activities and are hiding it behind their entertainment profession.

In the studios of Hitz FM studios with the host of Daybreak Hitz, Andy Dosty, AMG Armani was put on the spot when he was forced to reveal his source of wealth which many has doubted comes from only music.

When Andy Dosty asked AMG Armani what he did outside of music, the rapper struggled to find the right words to describe himself.

“What do you do?” a basic inquiry took a long time for the musician to respond.

When the presenter pressed the singer further, he stated that he buys and sells things such as cars, computers, and other items that generate revenue, but he could not specify how he makes his money.

Later in the conversation, AMG revealed that this is the attitude of the ordinary Ghanaian since it is unfathomable to see young guys becoming wealthy in society.

Nana Yaw

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