Woman allegedly commits suicide; cites harassment from son in note


A 55-year-old woman in Kakamega took her own life and left a suicide note behind.

Elimina Khati Makongo is said to have hanged herself in her house claiming she was tired of her son’s constant harassment.

According to her suicide note, the deceased wrote that she was wearied of a constant beating from her son Nicholas Lingua who she termed as a thorn in her body.

“She complained of being harassed by the boy who happens to be my grandson and efforts to resolve the matter bore no fruit but I never thought it would reach to this extent,” her aged mother Catherine Masitsa noted.

Her sentiments were echoed by locals who claim to have seen the man assault her mother severally with their pleas to him to quit the habit falling on deaf ears.

“We tried to reprimand him but he could not heed our advice and now he is responsible for his mother’s death,” one of the residents stated.

This comes as two bodies, a father and his son were retrieved from river Nzoia a week after they drowned while crossing.

According to the villagers, the deceased Japheth Khatolwa,37,  had gone to the neighbouring Nzoia village in Bungoma county to reconcile with the mother of his son but the two did not reach an agreement.

He is, however, said to have been drunk before drowning alongside his son.

“They had a misunderstanding with his wife one week ago prompting her to move back to her parent’s home. The two tried to reconcile in vain shortly before the incident,” the deceased father Henry Lwenyi confirmed.

Elsewhere, in Navakholo sub-county a 65 years old died after consuming poison.

According to locals, the man’s body was found lying in a maize plantation in Mulwanda village covered with a piece of cloth and a poison bottle placed beside him.


Prior to his death, he is said to have been heard threatening to take his life saying he had been conned a huge amount of money to facilitate the acquisition of title deed to his piece of land.
“We found the suicide note saying he had decided to end his life over the loss of the money,” one resident confirmed.

Area chief Peter Nabiswa confirming the incident asked locals to seek counselling services to tackle hardships of life.



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