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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Major! Here’s Who Might Write Black Coffee’s Biography

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Major! Here’s Who Might Write Black Coffee’s Biography! From tragedy to conquering the world, DJ Black has one heck of a story to tell and he’s ready.

The Award winning DJ is close to getting one of the best writers in the world, someone greatly admired to write his own life story.

Black Coffee took to twitter tweeting the great Paulo Coelho asking him to help him tell his incredible life story.

“My entire life has been like something from a Book…I’m ready to tell that story…..How many Rt’s Paulo Coelho Sir to write my Story,” the DJ tweeted.

In his best selling “The Alchemist” Paulo writes, “When you want something, the world conspires to helping you achieve it.” Coelho’s response to Black Coffee’s response couldn’t have explained his quote better.

“I am currently working on a book to be published by the end 2018 but I will follow you and we can chat about it,” he responded.  Now this is on e book we can’t wait to get our hands on.

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