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Monday, June 17, 2024

Drama as Kizz Daniel reveals his top 3 bad habits

Famous Nigerian singer Oluwatobiloba Daniel Anidugbe has stirred drama online as he reveals his top three bad habits.

In one of Kizz Daniel’s many songs, he spoke about having bad habits and queried if his lover could handle it

In regards to the song, a tweep identified as royalzamani took to the X app to ask the singer to highlight the bad habits he was talking about.

He wrote, “Can you tell us the bad habit Vado?”

Kizz Daniel responded to the query with the lists of his bad habits, noting that they are the top on the lists.

“Drinking to stupor
Smoking cigarettes
Adultery ….. Top 3″

Netizens flooded the comment section with their opinions on the singer’s revelation.

pharm.kay2flux wrote, “Some women don’t understand these types of men. They are celebrities and money too much. 1 woman can’t have all of them . Either you share them with other women as number 1 or bounce, and they will push on. Nothing concern them, but they will take care of you to any level.”

engrpeacea wrote, “Someone that sang that if not that Jesus wants to come, he doesn’t want to repent. I am so glad God is rewarding me with a 100% on earth and in the world to come eternal. There has to be a reward for sticking to Christ. God you do this one.”

princesshelenmusifiwa wrote, “I hope he’s joking, coz that 3rd part ” Adultery ” eeeh.. saying it in public and people who/that respect him will see 👀 it? Hhm.”

diaryofaninsecurefemale wrote, “This got to be the most d#mb comment of the year….such disrespect to your wife. Flip it and see how that feels. Sometimes, you guys should just invest in publicist. They are there for a reason.”

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