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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Reactions As Governor of Ekiti Prostrates To Greet Chief Afe Babalola At A Public Gathering

The governor of Ekiti State, Abiodun Abayomi Oyebanji, has received praise from Nigerians on social media for his humble gesture of prostrating to greet Chief Afe Babalola, a renowned lawyer, at a public event. The governor’s act of prostration is a traditional way of showing respect to an elder in Yoruba culture.

Governor Oyebanji arrived at the event in Ekiti and encountered Chief Babalola, who is over 80 years old. Without hesitation, the governor laid down on the ground to greet the legal icon, demonstrating his respect and adherence to cultural traditions.

The photos capturing this interaction have sparked numerous reactions on social media platforms. Many users have commended Governor Oyebanji, describing him as humble and a positive representative of Yoruba culture. One user, Gani Dipo, contrasted the governor’s respectful gesture with an incident involving an actor from a different cultural background, highlighting the significance of cultural values and respect for elders.

Content created and supplied by: Lovematter1 (via Opera
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