12.5 C
Sunday, June 16, 2024

I Supported The Southern Presidency Without Apologies Because It’s Suppose To Be Rotational- Fayose

Ayodele Fayose, a former governor of Ekiti State, has stated categorically that he will not retract his support for the southern presidential candidate. In an exclusive interview with News Central TV, he mentioned that the North might have risen again eight years later and declared that anyone can be president regardless of any zoning system if they had won the last presidential election. After eight years under President Bola Tinubu, the former governor stated it was crucial that the rotational presidency was maintained in the most recent election and added that he would totally support a northern presidency.

He declared, “I did not apologize for supporting the southern presidency, and I would never do so. We will all support a northern presidency after President Tinubu’s term is through. For us to be saved from these problems, this needs to be firmly rooted in our constitution. Fair is fair in light of our variety. North had won the most recent election, they would have risen one day and said that anyone could have won.

Even though it sounds wonderful to advocate selecting a candidate based on merit, our diversity cannot support such. It is too late to change these feelings; tribalism and religion have replaced one another in our lives. We can’t avoid them since they are a part of our bodily politics.

Palliatives provide benefits for certain people when they are used, and they start to exploit this. Some states are unable to pay even if you talk about raising the minimum wage. These palliatives may occasionally be concentrated on the employees because a man coming to his farm may wonder which palliative he will receive. Because of this, I reject palliative care. Palliatives is a term that is frequently used, yet it is ludicrous. Nigerians need to accept the truth and move on.

Please watch the video below and fast forward to 15:00

Content created and supplied by: TomTundex (via Opera
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