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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Forces Of Darkness Have Destroyed The Image Of Religion And Made Us Victims And Suspects -Kukah Says

The Catholic Bishop of Sokoto Diocese, Matthew Kukah has decried the effects of insecurity on education in Nigeria. 

Speaking at a summit in Edo state according to Channels TV, the renowned cleric noted that terrorists who are behind the insecurities in the country, have said no to humanity and education.

He said the country is now being ravaged and threatened by forces of darkness who manifest themselves as either bandits or Boko Haram terrorists.

Bishop Matthew Kukah noted that everyone must work together as a nation to fight against these forces that are threatening the existence of the nation.

He said they’ve not only destroyed the image of the country, they’ve also destroyed the image of religion and made everyone a suspect.

Kukah Said “Our country is not being ravaged and threatened by forces of darkness, those who have said no to humanity, and education. Whether they manifest themselves in the murderous and destructive excesses of Boko Haram or banditry. They have not only destroyed the image of the country, they’ve destroyed the image of religion and they’ve made us victims and suspects.”

Credit: Channels TV |Twitter|

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