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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Areas of the body where pain will occur if your blood sugar level exceeds normal

Your body will immediately release the appropriate amount and volume of the substance known as insulin to stabilize it when the level of sugar in your blood exceeds what is normal. However, the more sugar you consume in excess, the more it will be converted to lipids or cholesterol by substances in order to maintain a healthy blood sugar level. However, this sugar control act raises the level of cholesterol, which blocks arteries in some areas of the body and causes painful sensations. The body parts listed below are some where pain might occur when blood sugar levels increase too high, according to MedicalNewsToday.

1. Our hands are an essential part of our bodies, used for everything from manipulating sophisticated machinery to picking up small objects and lifting heavy ones. The nerves in your hands, however, will start to tingle and eventually go numb if your blood sugar levels are regularly high.

2. If your blood sugar is too high, you will feel pain in your feet and legs. This is due to the fact that blood flowing up and down their arteries provides the legs and feet with all of the resources necessary for motion. It’s also impossible to ignore the tingling in your feet and legs.

3. You may feel the urge to vomit frequently, purge excessively, and your stomach may also ache frequently if your blood sugar levels rise. The body’s “production plant” is the stomach or belly, where a number of chemicals are produced as well as food is processed.

Content created and supplied by: Simoswrite1 (via Opera
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