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Saturday, June 1, 2024

LOOK: KSI to wear world's most expensive mouthguard for Tommy Fury fight

KSI will wear the most expensive mouthguard ever created for his fight against Tommy Fury on Saturday.

The mouthguard will be produced by the sports dental pioneers SAFEJAWZ, and is valued at over £40,000 (about R945,000).

Ewan Jones, Founder and CEO of SAFEJAWZ gushed about the YouTuber-turned-boxer wearing his product: “SAFEJAWZ started as two university students with a dream to make the best mouthguards in the world, and if you’d told us then we’d be making the most expensive mouthguard in the world for one of this year’s most anticipated fights we wouldn’t have believed you.

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“To showcase this in Manchester just miles from where we began our journey is also a really nice moment.”

The sports company provided KSI with a mouthguard since his first fight with fellow YouTuber Joe Weller in February 2018, as well as for his bout with Logan Paul in 2019.

After seeing the product, the 30-year-old internet personality said: “This is the most detailed mouthguard I’ve ever seen, it’s just phenomenal. Big up SAFEJAWZ man. Just WOW.”

Dubbed the ‘Prime Protector’, the mouthguard will boast 108 high clarity GVS diamonds as well as a 24 carat gold leaf.

The product can trace its design back to both KSI’s ‘Nightmare’ nickname and his latest energy drink, PRIME Hydration Glowberry, and so will flaunt a striking green PRIME logo against a midnight black background.

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As well as KSI, SAFEJAWZ have vast collection of high-profile clients, including Conor McGregor, Tom Hardy, Miley Cyrus, Joe Marler, Courtney Lawes and the Bahrain Royal Family.

The event, known as ‘Judgement Day’, is expected to draw millions of viewers on Saturday, all of which will have the chance to see the ‘PRIME Protector’ in action.


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