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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Alicia Vikander reveals she endured ‘extreme’ miscarriage

Alicia Vikander endured an “extreme” miscarriage.

The Tomb Raider actress, 33, said she went through intense pain after losing a baby before getting pregnant with her first child.

She told The Times newspaper about having a son with husband Michael Fassbender: “We have a child now, but it took us time.

“(The miscarriage) was so extreme, painful to go through and, of course, it made me recall making that film (The Light Between Oceans).

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“That film has another meaning now.”

Vikander and Fassbender, 45, played a childless couple in the 2016 film, who experience two miscarriages and adopt a baby girl who is lost at sea.

The actress said in September 2021 she had welcomed a baby son, now 17 months old, with Shame actor Fassbender earlier that year.

She is now starring in the new Sky Atlantic show Irma Vep playing a pop star who is forced to go back on stage shortly after suffering a miscarriage.

Vikander added confronting agonising issues on screen helps her deal with grief from her personal life.

The Ex Machina actress added: “Sometimes you go through things that are tough in life and if you have an office job you can step away for a bit.

“But there are times that myself or colleagues have been through something and, well, I can’t understand how they went on to the red carpet afterwards. To be met by people asking ‘How are you doing?’

“Given what they had just been through, most people would not be able to step out of their house.”

Vikander and Fassbender married in October 2017, three years after they began dating, following meeting on set of The Light Between Oceans.

She has avoided discussing her child publicly, or revealing their name or sex.

But she recently told Harper’s Bazaar: “In my little family, with my husband and my child, we travel together, always. That’s the rule. We do jobs so one of us can always be with the baby.”


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