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Police on manhunt for Oyibi robbery suspects 

Police on manhunt for Oyibi robbery suspects 

Police on manhunt for Oyibi robbery suspects 


width=300The Ghana Police Service is on a manhunt for some robbery suspects said to have robbed a block factory at Oyibi.

The robbery, which occurred on October 14, 2023, at the block factory at Appolonia City, a suburb of Oyibi in Accra, led to the death of one person, police said.

The gang, numbering about five, during the attack also made away with an unspecified amount of money and mobile phones belonging to the victims, a press release by the police said.

It said the body of the deceased had since been deposited at the Police Hospital morgue for preservation and autopsy while investigation and intelligence operation continued to get the robbers arrested to face justice.

Source: GNA

The post Police on manhunt for Oyibi robbery suspects  appeared first on Ghana Business News.

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