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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Former NPP Chairman Peter Mac Manu shares optimism for Ghana’s future

The former National Chairman of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), has expressed strong confidence in the party’s potential to transform the fortunes of Ghana within the span of 12 months.

In an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) held in Peduase, Mac Manu emphasised the NPP’s capacity to bring about positive change for the nation in the period leading up the 2024 general election.

Asked if the party remained keen in its desire to ‘Break the Eight’, given that election 2024 is just about a year away, Mac Manu responded positively, and drew inspiration from the words of the late UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, often referred to as the “Iron Lady,” who once famously stated, “One week is a long time in politics.”

He emphasised that with over a year remaining until the 2024 elections, and considering the positive changes happening in various aspects of governance, the NPP has the potential to achieve its goals.

Mac Manu emphasised the critical importance of unity within the party, asserting that it is a fundamental ingredient for electoral success. He therefore urged NPP members to work together as a united front, reinforcing their chances of achieving their objectives in the upcoming elections.

He pointed out that many sectors of the Ghanaian economy have been gradually recovering from recent challenges and shocks, and conveyed his optimism regarding the future, foreseeing improvements in various aspects of the nation in preparation for the 2024 general election.

One area of particular significance to Manu was the performance of the Ghanaian Cedi, which he noted was doing quite well. He also highlighted the advancements in education, healthcare, infrastructural development, and industrialisation as encouraging signs of progress.

The Chairman of Cocobod underscored his optimism about the NPP’s commitment to realising its agenda of “breaking the eight” in the upcoming elections, and called upon NPP members to set aside their differences and unite in their shared goals and vision for the nation. He also urged them to be vocal in communicating the party’s achievements and its transformative impact on Ghana to the general public.

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