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Minta Akandoh, Driver, Bodyguard In Critical Condition After Head-On Collision |

Member of Parliament for Juaboso Kwabena Mintah Akandoh, his driver, Joseph Amo, and police bodyguard, Corporal Joseph Ntimbe as well as other passengers are in critical condition after a near-fatal head-on collision on the Juaboso to Kumasi highway.

Kasapa News has gathered that, on Saturday, July 29, 2023, at about 5:30 pm, driver Joseph Amo, 32, in charge Toyota Land Cruiser with registration number GN 441-14 was driving the Member of Parliament for Juaboso, Hon. Kwabena Mintah Akandoh and his bodyguard Corporal Joseph Ntimbe from Juaboso towards Kumasi.

However, on reaching a section of the road at Nyinahin Twere Nyame area, the Land Cruiser vehicle of the MP which was speeding made a wrong overtaking while the hazard lights on but the speeding oncoming vehicle – M/ Benz Sprinter Bus with registration number AS 7363-18 which was coming from Kumasi towards Sefwi Wiawso could not veer off the road hence collided head-on.

All the passengers on board the Sprinter Bus and the Land cruiser sustained various degrees of injuries and were rushed to Nyinahin Government Hospital for treatment.

The MP, his driver and his bodyguard were referred to Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital for further treatment.

The latest report indicates that the MP is on admission responding to treatment but his bodyguard, Corporal Joseph Ntimbe’s condition is quite complicated.

Source: ghanaweb.com



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