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Monday, June 17, 2024

Ghanaians expect ‘awful’ E-levy to be abolished since gov’t has gone for an IMF bailout – Ablakwa

North Tongu Member of Parliament Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa is calling for the scrapping of the E-levy since the government has gone to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for a $3billion bailout.

It is recalled that one of the reasons given for the E-levy was to enable the government to generate revenue internally for developmental projects instead of going to the Fund.

Reacting to the address delivered by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo on Sunday, May 28, Mr Ablakwa said in a tweet that “Ghanaians expected President Akufo-Addo to have announced the scrapping of COVID 19 even as he liest all restrictions.

“Ghanaians also expected the awful E-levy to be abolished since his government has opted for an IMF bailout.

“President Akufo-Addo must be sincere and sensitive  to the plight of the suffering Ghanaians.”

President Akufo-Addo stated in the address that going to the Fund for support was not part of the economic transformation agenda that he was pursuing.

He said this was especially so after his government successfully exited an IMF programme that he inherited.

“It was a painful decision for me to take, because going to the IMF was not part of the economic transformation agenda I had been pursuing, especially as my government had gone the extra mile to bring to a successful end the IMF programme we inherited from the previous government,” he said.

He further said that the $3billion facility approved by the Fund would not end Ghana’s problems.

“Access to the IMF facility will not spell the immediate end of the difficulties we are in presently.

“But the fact that we’ve been able to negotiate such a deal sends a positive message to our creditors and investors,”he said.

He added “It should lead to the restoration of confidence and the reopening of avenues that have been closed to us this past year and a half.”

The approval was secured on Wednesday, May 17 with the first tranche of $600 million received

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