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Monday, June 17, 2024

Fire Destroys Stores At Circle | Social

Fire has destroyed a number of stores at Kwame Nkrumah Circle in Accra.

The fire is reported to have started around 1pm Sunday, May 21, 2023.

Personnel from the Ghana National Fire Service with support from the police are currently on site dousing the fire.

An Officer from the Public Relations Department at the GNFS Headquarters, Assistant Divisional Officer (ADO) II, Alex King Nartey, who spoke to Graphic Online said, the fire team was doing their best to extinguish the fire.

“As a service, when we come on site our main priority is to reduce damage and where the stores are situated, there is a fuel filling station close by so we are doing our very best to prevent the fire from reaching that side,” he said

Source: graphic.com.gh



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