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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Gov’t Will Ensure Successful Completion Of GNPC Operational Headquarters In Western Region – Dr. Bawumia |

Vice President Dr. Mahammudu Bawumia has expressed delight at the progress of work on the construction of Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) operational headquarters at Sekondi Takoradi in the Western Region.

He stated it is the duty of government to ensure equitable distribution of development at all Regions across the country.

The governing New Patriotic Party, he noted, promised to position the Western Region into a Regional oil services hub with a first-class port facility as well as an efficient centre for support for the oil industry in Ghana.

He commended the contractor and workers at the construction site of the GNPC Operational Headquarters for their hard work.

He also assured the people of Western Region of government’s commitment to ensuring the successful completion of the building which is currently 90% complete to serve its purposes.

Dr Bawumia made these remarks when he paid a working visit to the construction site to monitor the progress of work.

“I came to monitor the progress of work and I have seen it too. The six-floor building is now at 90% completion. By the grace of God, the construction will be complete this year. I am very happy. The contractor and the workers have done a very good job; I applaud them. We will complete this building this year.

“Government wants every Region to develop and we know this is where oil drilling takes place in Ghana. So, it is correct that the Western Region will receive oil infrastructural development…This is why we decided to bring the Operational Headquarters here”, he said during the visit.

The General Manager in charge of strategy at the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation, Dr. Kwame Baah Nuakoh commended the Vice President for his visit.

Source: /Ghana



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