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Western North: Police Investigate Death of Police Constable Allegedly Shot Dead By Senior Colleague |

The Police have commenced investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of a Police Constable in the Western North Region on 5th May, 2023.

The Constable met his untimely death when he was allegedly shot by one of his senior colleagues of the Western Regional Police Command when they were returning from an operation last night. The victim was rushed to the hospital for medical attention but unfortunately, he was pronounced dead on arrival.

“Immediately after the incident occurred, the Inspector-General of Police dispatched a team which left Accra last night and arrived in the Region in the early hours of today to assess the situation and interact with the personnel. The team was led by Commissioner of Police Mrs. Habiba Twumasi Sarong, Director-General/Welfare,” a statement signed by Grace Ansah-Akrofi, Assistant Commissioner of Police; Director, Public Affairs said.

Meanwhile, the suspect Police Officer is in custody as part of the investigation process in line with the due process of the law. 

Background of incident
A police officer at the Western North Regional Police Command has been allegedley shot dead by his senior colleague.

The unfurtunate incident happened yesterday 5th May, 2023 at about 19:45pm in the wee hours on Friday  when they were returning from an operation last night.

According to UTV’s source, ASP Frank Nsiah, Head of Western North Regional Police intelligence Unit shot dead his junior colleague Police Constable David Gbati while returning from an assignment at Sefwi Awaso in the Bibiani-Ahnwiaso-Bekwai Municipality.

The information revealed is that ,ASP Nsiah who was then under the influence of alcohol picked an argument with his subordinates in the Police Service vehicle, resulting in the unfortunate incident.

The decease, Constable Gbati’s body has been deposited at the Sefwi Wiawso mortuary while ASP Frank Nsiah, has been detained at the Bekeai Police Station pending further investigations.

Police Officers in the region are all tight lip and are not ready to provide any details about the matter.

Read full Police Statement below

Source: with files from Kwabena Dickson, Western North Region UTV Correspondent



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