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Monday, June 17, 2024

Digital Marker Gorbachev Awuah Gift Blogger Nkonkonsa Ghc5,000 On His Birthday

Digital Marker Gorbachev Awuah Gift Blogger Nkonkonsa Ghc5,000 On His Birthday

Popular Ghanaian Digital Marketing Expert, Gorbachev Awuah better known as Remz has presented an amount of five thousand Ghana cedis (Ghc5,000) to blogger Nkonkonsa.

This is contained in a video shared by Digital Marketing, Content Production, and Advertising Company, Visual Display Network (VDN) on their Instagram account.

According to multiple sources, the founder of the Visual Display Network had promised the blogger a gift, hence, decided to redeem it at his surprise birthday celebration party organized by the blogger’s wife, Victoria Lebene at the Airport West Hotel.

In addition to making the donation, Mr. Awuah sprayed the couple with thousands of cedis as they took to the dance floor.

Speaking to OneMuzikGh.Com, Mr.Awuah explained that the kind gesture (donation) is his special way of expression his appreciation to the blogger for being instrumental in their journey as a brand.

Gorbachev Awuah, Founder of Visual Display Network (VDN) is a revered Marketing Strategist who helps Companies to concentrate their
limited resources on the greatest opportunities to increase sales and achieve sustainable competitive advantage. These are some of the
services they’ll be offering these new Client’s who have signed with them.

SOURCE: OneMuzikGh.Com

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