Stop “Wasting” Money On Dentists, Use These Methods To Cure Tooth Decay At Home Immediately

Tooth decay is an infection which usually affects some parts of the teeth. It is the result of an infection with certain types of bacteria that use sugar in food to make acids on the tooth.

In Ghana, tooth decay is quite common in children and also adults. People spend a lot of money to treat tooth decay but sometimes yield no results. In today’s article, let’s look at some ways to treat tooth decay.

#1. Aloe Vera

Most toothpastes contain an element of aloe Vera in them. It is because of the health benefits Aloe Vera can do. It is an effective plant that controls bacteria. It accelerates healing and reduces pain associated with canker sores, which are blisters on the lips or mouth. Applying aloe Vera each day on your tooth or teeth will surely give you the teeth you desire. Tooth decay will be cured in few days if aloe Vera is used.

#2. Eggshell powder

This second strategy may seem odd but is works 100%. Mix eggshell powder with a pinch of baking soda in a cup. Use this paste to brush your teeth weekly. It will help get rid of plaque and tartar from teeth and will make it whiter and brighter. Aside making your teeth whiter, it will make your teeth stronger. Tooth decay will vanish from your mouth. Most dentists in Ghana prescribe this treatment to their patients.


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Aloe Vera