Reggie Rockstone’s Wife And Daughter Involved In An Accident.

Sad news hit the popular and legendary musician in Ghana by name of Reggie Rockstone as his wife and daughter were involved in an accident this Wednesday 24th of August, 2022.

In the video which you are about to watch, you will see Zilla the wife of Reggie Rockstone and his daughter recording a scene for an online skit for their Waakye business while having a conversation too.

Reggie’s wife just received a call that her daughter Zulu has seen playing with their taser (electricity shock machine). So she was extremely mad and made up her mind to call Reggie to report the issue to him and she parked her car on the side of the road but her car was lightly on the road.

Whiles having her report conversation with Reggie on the phone, they heard a very loud sound from the back of their car ” Bhen!! ” which made her drink split all over them in the car. Even though nobody was harmed, their car had a huge dent on the left side at the back and the split of the drink on them in the car. 

And Reggie’s Wife decides to get out of the car to see what just happened. Behold, someone has just used a car to hit their car very hard. She asked the driver why he did that to her car and instead of the driver saying sorry to them, he decide to challenge them. So Reggie’s wife got heated and told her daughter to take their phone to record them.

The driver of the Company car boldly told Zulu to stop recording them or else he will slap her. Immediately Reggie Rockstone appear there and because of how the driver was challenging her wife about the accident he got heated to call their office line to report the driver.

Reggie and his wife plus her daughter then follow the driver to his office to discuss the case with his bosses.

Kindly click on the YouTube symbol and watch the full video now;

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