People Thought I Was Mad As I Trained Cockroaches, But I Make Money By Selling It To The Chinese – Man

A man named Joseph Mgimba told how he started raising cockroaches and selling them to the Chinese, who ate them, and then made money from them. The man said that when he was just starting to train cockroaches, his neighbors and others thought he was crazy, didn’t know he was sane and all he did was fight.

The man said he trained them in a suitcase-like container and kept them at a comfortable temperature. He is very good at what he does and has sold a lot of cockroaches since he started training them. He sold it to the Chinese, who took the cockroaches as food.

His neighbors, on the other hand, think his job is bullshit, not realizing that he makes a lot of money from his cockroach training and sales business when they need him. The man didn’t say whether he ate cockroaches or not, but his job was to train and sell them.

He added, cockroaches are healthy food and protein for the body. They are harmless to the human organism as they are not as toxic as some animals. They even add nutrients to the human body and are also very edible.

Content created and supplied by: Bada004 (via Opera
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Joseph Mgimba