Are you suffering from low sperm count, obesity, sleeplessness, diabetes, stroke and many more?


Drink this for 4 days and experience the goodness in your health. 

1 glass cup morning, 1 glass cup evening.


* Turmeric 

* Garlic

* Ginger

* Lemon

Boil for 30mins.

If you detox or cleanse, then you could increase your health and your fertility in many ways:

1. Improve conditions like endometriosis, fibroids, cysts and PCOS.

2. Balance your hormones naturally.

3. Optimise your liver and kidneys to perform better.

4. Give your digestive system a chance to rest, strengthen and heal.

5. Avoid chromosomal abnormality in your eggs.

Get better quality eggs and sperm.

6. Improve the lining of the womb.

7. Lose weight.

8. Get more quality energy.

9. Have better quality sleep

11. Better mood.

12. Combat unnecessary anxiety.

13. Have healthier skin and hair.

14. Reset your body health.

15. Avoid chronic illnesses like cancer, diabetes, heart disease and strokes.

16. Ovulation comes on time.

17. Good sperm production.

Content created and supplied by: Alphahealth (via Opera
News )
