How are recurring vagina yeast infections prevented?

A vaginal yeast infection (vaginal candidiasis) is a relatively common fungal infection that causes thick, white discharge along with irritation, itchiness, and swelling of the vulva and vagina. If left untreated, a yeast infection could lead to other health problems.

What happens if a yeast infection is not treated?

If left untreated, vaginal candidiasis will most likely get worse, causing itching, redness, and inflammation in the area surrounding your vagina. This may lead to a skin infection if the inflamed area becomes cracked, or if continual scratching creates open or raw areas.

1. Untreated vagina yeast infections may spread the infection to other body organs.

2. It may cause discomfort.

3. Untreated vaginal yeast infections may cause itching and inflammation of a woman’s private parts.

4. Cause bacterial infections from scratching

Spread the infection toward the urethra (opening for urine)

5. Increase the risk of premature delivery, miscarriage or premature birth in pregnant women

6. Pass to babies during childbirth.

7. Pass to the sexual partner if a woman did not communicate her yeast infection.

Untreated oral thrush may spread the infection to other organs in cases of patients with weak immunity. This population includes people with diabetes, cancer and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The yeast may spread throughout the blood to other organs causing complications.

Esophageal candidiasis may cause difficulty in eating and swallowing and cause malnutrition.

Candida sepsis: This is a condition wherein the candida may infect other organs via the blood.

Yeast may cause infections of organs such as the heart and lungs.

How are recurring yeast infections prevented?

1. Blood sugar level control may prevent recurrent yeast infections in those who have diabetes.

2. Keeping a healthy weight may lower the risk of a skin yeast infection

3. General hygienic rules such as using powders to keep skin dry and wearing loose, breathable cotton clothes must be followed to prevent skin yeast infections

4. It is best to avoid sex if your partner has a yeast infection to prevent catching the infection

5. Probiotics can help to keep any type of yeast infection away

6. In case of a recurrent vaginal yeast infection, a probiotic product may be either swallowed or inserted into the vagina to restore healthy vaginal floral

7. Eating yoghurt or over-the-counter probiotic pills may help restore healthy mouth flora in case of a mild mouth yeast infection

8. Women should avoid douching (showering of the vagina with chemical soaps and water) that may increase the risk of infections.

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