University Student Kneels In front Of Mother In The Market After Graduating To Offer His Gratitude

One university student, after graduating from his university, decided to kneel in front of his mother in market to offer his gratitude for her sacrifices and support through his years at school. He wanted to thank her for selflessly taking care of him and paying his tuition fees. His mom was brought to tears and prayed for him as he knelt for her blessings.

I feel like this is a very good reminder for us all. I am sure that we all know how important it is to express gratitude to our parents, however, sometimes we take them for granted. We might think that our parents are fine with not receiving any gratitude from us because no matter what they will be there for us. 

Well, yes this is true but we should also remember that our parents are human too and they do appreciate when their children show them appreciation and love. Sometimes we forget to appreciate the sacrifices our parents make for us in order to make our dreams come true.

 As we grow older, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that we forget that they gave up so much to give us better opportunities. They work hard and save money so we can go to school and get a good job. They are often the ones who support us in the beginning without asking for anything in return. This young man decided to kneel down before his mother after graduating from college. 

This young man graduated from university and he knew how much sacrifices his mother made to get him there. He decided that it was time to give back to his mother by honouring her with respect and love. See, our young people need to learn that there are some values that money cannot buy. This young man has shown us one of such values which is respect. 

What do you think of this picture? If your mother & parents are still alive, then I’m sure you would have a lot to say to them. Write something in the comment section and appreciate your parents for their sacrifices, single mothers suffers alot at least say something to them. Please tell us that sacrifice your mother made for you.

Content created and supplied by: Auntykuma (via Opera
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