It was All Deception: MTN Spill The Beans On New Sim Card Registration Procedure Introduced Recently

The ongoing sim card registration has been faced with challenges such as long queues, prolonged system downtimes among others.

This has sent some section of the public looking for simple and stress free ways to register their SIm cards, but to no avail.

Then came a link, purporting to be a stress free way to register your SIM card, without necessarily going to any customer care center to complete the SIM card registration.

It required a snapshot of your ID card held close to your face to verify your identity, afterwards a link be followed to complete the process.

This message, which was shared and forwarded several times on social media platforms especially on whatsapp soon turned out to be fake, as MTN, the telco purported to be behind the viral message for the SIM Card registration has come out to debunk claims suggested in the message.

It has issued a disclaimer to distance itself from the link being shared across.

Please be vigilant, fraudulent persons could take advantage of this opportunity to harvest personal data about unsuspecting Ghanaians and and sell them to third parties or use them for their fraudulent activities in some time to come.

Stay tuned for more.

Content created and supplied by: MissChris (via Opera
News )

All Deception
New Sim