Megaphone Of War, Indecency –


The dearth of decency and self-censorship while expressing ourselves especially on air and social media has descended to an all-time low.

We are lapping the freedom of expression with a tincture of recklessness which is indicative of our ignorance of the possible security fallouts thereof.

If that is the level of the prevailing freedom of expression then we must be missing that element of deference under the circumstance.

Ignorance about the possible security fallouts of reckless talk when we have the opportunity to express ourselves in whatever channel can be costly and all-encompassing hence the need to wear our thinking caps when we are behind the consoles.

Last week ended on an unsavoury note. A presenter seemingly possessed by an excitement to be acclaimed a champion of recklessness or so, called for an ‘insurrection.’

His management of that expression according to his employers was misconstrued by security agents who invited him for a conversation.

They did not conceal their abhorrence for the security agents over their action, topping it with an indefensible charge of a reign of terror against employees of their network by the state, a mendacious and unfathomable accusation.

Of course, it is the verifiable prevalence of the freedom of expression and its abuse that make it possible for irresponsible persons to call for insurrection to be granted bail even when there is ample evidence about their unbridled impunity.

It is surprising that his employers would have rather the originator of the security breach was not invited by the security agents at all. There is nowhere on earth where such absolute freedom bereft of responsibility and decency exists.

The security agents, the National Media Commission (NMC) and Ghanaians could not have all gotten it wrong. A ‘call for insurrection’ was what they heard. His employers however, did not get it, their stance being that the import of his expression was not what most Ghanaians listened to and processed.

We are constrained to point out that those who did not find anything untoward in what the presenter expressed must be anything but not hypocritical.
This country has enjoyed peace for decades, a situation which must be allowed to prevail indefinitely.

Those who think that they have the right to hurl invectives at their compatriots because of their political disparities are getting it wrong.

Irresponsible call for insurrection is balderdash and would not succeed here in Ghana.

The NMC should have been more robust in their statement of subtle condemnation, especially having observed that the network has been turned into a megaphone of war as contained in their statement.

When part of a broadcast which was what the NMC detected in the presenter’s expression, raises concern for peace and security, all peace-loving Ghanaians must rise against the warmongers on the airwaves.

We cherish the unlimited peace we are relishing in this country and would not countenance warmongers in whatever form they make an appearance. This is shameful and despicable.


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