Momo Charges can reduce through these simple ways


The finance minister in 2022 budget , announced 1.75% on mobile money transactions to help speed up developmental projects in the country.

Unfortuanately, this does not go well with Ghanaian citizens and also the lawmakers in parliament. The minority and the majority are divided on the motion which brought lots of tension in the parliament.

The Parliament will resume from New Year Break on the 18th of January , 2022 to continue debate on the bill.

If incase the 1.75% bill is passed , these are the ways to avoid it.

1. If you send GHC 300 to your mother’s MoMo number, you will be charged 1% ie GHC 3 by MTN then charged 1.75% ie GHC 5.25 by government. Then when she withdraws, she will be charged GHC 3. So on one transaction of 300, total deductions will be GHC11.25.

2. Do this instead. Let her go to a MoMo vendor and mention your number to the vendor. Allow Cash Out wherever you are and give your ID number. The vendor initiates withdrawal and it comes to you for approval wherever you are. You approve. Your mother receives cash. This way you avoid MTN charges on transfer and you avoid the wicked #MoMoTax 

3. You only pay GHC 3 on GH 300 instead of 11.25 cedis. 

4. We owe a duty to ourselves to make sure these wicked charges don’t finish us. It is part of the resistance. 

5. What other innovative ways should we adopt? We the people are on our own.

Content created and supplied by: GreatAlexander (via Opera
News )



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