Ghanaians Descend Heavily On Chairman Wontumi For Saying This At The Ongoing Delegate Conference.


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The ongoing delegate conference is bringing into the media a whole lot of concerns for which the Ashanti Regional chairman of the New Patriotic Party, Bernard Antwi Bosiako also known as chairman Wontumi has also made it into the headlines with his speech.

Taking into consideration the current state of the nation, Chairman Wontumi made it clear at the conference that, His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwah Akuffo Addo in his own capacity has transformed Ghana making it better than the US and UK. He backed up his statements with the good initiatives he claims the government has implemented and the ones he is yet to implement. This includes his free senior high school policy, the NABCO initiative, Transport policies amidst the pandemic and many more.

He also hammered on the slow economic nature of the country for which he gave the blame to the COVID-19 pandemic. He concluded his speech by sounding a warning to the NDC for they can’t stop them from breaking the eight (8) and also it will be a consecutive trend in 2024, 2028, 2032 and so on. See the reactions of some Ghanaians below towards his statement:

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Bernard Antwi Bosiako


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