Top 5 Weird Things That Were Discovered In The Ocean


Many things have been found underwater, sometimes by pure chance by archaeologists and underwater explorers. Unusual or considered to be extremely important discoveries, these finds have lined the bottom of the oceans and seas or lakes for many years.

1. City Of Cairo

“City of cairo” was an English merchant ship which was sunk by the Germans in 1942 during the Second World War, its carcass was found a few years ago by a Franco-British team off Namibia. The wreck was 5000 meters deep, but the surprise was even greater when the treasure that was hidden was discovered.

2. The coins in the ship

One hundred tons of silver in the form of coins was in the ship, inside 2,182 chests, this money belonged to the British treasury and is estimated to be worth almost $ 50 million. A first in the history of treasures recovered from the depths, wait a minute, did the Germans know that a treasure was on board this British ship they sank on July 16, 1969.

3. Rocket engine

Neil Armstrong and two other astronauts were sent to the moon as part of the Apollo 11 mission, more than forty years later, two of the five engines of the rocket that had been used to propel the spacecraft had risen from the bottom of the ocean Atlantic. The recovery of these two elements which lay at 4267 meters deep was carried out under the initiative of Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon. The device that carried the engines had fallen into the water at a speed of eight thousand kilometers per hour.

4. Canopy and Thonis

If you are passionate about the history of ancient Egypt, then here is a discovery that is sure to fascinate you. The submerged cities of Canopy and Thônis Héracléion respectively discovered in 1999 and 2001. Underwater excavations were carried out since 1992 off the Egyptian coast in Aboukir Bay by the underwater archaeologist Franck Goddio and his team. Finally, they allowed to know a little more about the history of this civilization, according to the French archaeologist the temple had been destroyed by a natural cataclysm, it therefore remained under water.

5. The submerged cities

There are statutes, stelae as well as objects that have revealed some harsh ceremonies practiced by the pharaohs at that time which we still did not know the existence. It was even discovered that Canopee were linked by a canal to the city of Thonis Heraclion. These two cities were believed to be distinct but they were actually the Egyptian name and the Greek name for one and the same place. Archaeologists around the world were amazed when they were able to study this submerged place. The architecture was different from other known Egyptian finds.

Content created and supplied by: CyraxPen (via Opera
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City Of Cairo


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