Adwoa Safo to Be Sacked?


President Akufo-Addo has issued an ultimatum to the Minister for Gender and Social Protection, Sarah Adwoa Safo to either resign or be sacked. The minister has out of post for a while.

In the picture is the member of parliament for Dome Kwabenya in the Greater Accra Region, Honourable Sarah Adwoa Safo.

The Ghana National School Feeding Caterers Association ( GNSFCA ) has disowned media reports circulating with the information that it has petitioned President Akufo-Addo to remove the Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Honourable Sara Adwoa Safo on the basis of incompetence and arrogance.

According to the group, no such information has been given or action filed against the minister and are therefore entreating the general public to disregard such information.

The association made this assertion known through a press release following news reports that a formal complaint has been made to President Akufo-Addo by the caterers to have the minister removed.

The media statement revealed that the caterers issued the minister’s unwillingness to sign their order for payment and unavailability to meet with them as actions demanding her removal.

However, a press release signed by the President of the Ghana National Feeding Caterers Association, Asana Salifu, said “no such allegations has been made by any member at the behest of the Ghana School Feeding Caterers Association and hence, we distance ourselves unreservedly from the story in circulation.”

About the payment of monies owed them, the association said it is aware that the order for payment to caterers in all the 16 regions was given by the minister, but the delay is being experienced from the end of the Ghana Interbank Payment and Settlement Systems Limited GHIPSS, by the Controller and Accountant General’s Department which is expected before the close of the week.

“To date, the leadership of the Ghana School Feeding Caterers Association is happy with the work of Honourable Sarah Adwoa Safo and member of parliament for Dome Kwabenya, the first of which was the comprehensive audit of the workings of the National School Feeding Program right after she was appointed as Minister. We therefore categorically condemn the mischievous statements made in the media by some so-called nameless and faceless caterers of our association,” the statement noted.

The group went on to give assurances that it will continue to work with the ministry to ensure a smooth running of the programme.

Content created and supplied by: OBENFOBRIGHT (via Opera
News )

Adwoa Safo
Dome Kwabenya
Ghana National School Feeding Caterers Association
Sarah Adwoa Safo


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