Ladies, Facts You Should Know About Your Breasts


Presumably since the existence of women, breasts have become a part of the female body that is highly admired and is almost always the subject of discussion from various “medical points of view”. The quick thing is, there are a myriad of other unexplored issues and other secrets that the public knows little about. Let’s talk about some of the highlights on this list.

1. Does sleeping on your side without a bra cause one of the “higher” breasts to stretch and become bigger than the other?

Your sleeping position and whether you sleep with or without a bra are individual choices for comfort. No effect.

2. Can you breastfeed after breast reduction surgery?

Some women can breastfeed after reduction, others not because dust can invade. It’s worth a try, but don’t be sad if you can’t.

Almost all women who will undergo breast enlargement and reduction surgery can produce breast milk. However, if most of the latter system is damaged by surgery, the milk may not be sufficient to meet all of the baby’s needs.

3. Does anyone have other flat nipples that protrude (very slightly) when they come into direct contact with a cold or when they are stimulated? Should I worry about that?

Nirrles are available in all sizes and layouts. Some have flattened nirli, some have prominent nirli, some have inverted nirli. If your breasts are always flat, that’s okay – it’s just your individual variation. However, if they suddenly bother you for no reason, you should have them checked by a doctor.

4. Is it normal for black hair to grow on my chest? They didn’t show up until I was in my twenties.

Some dark, disheveled hair is common and is usually not a sign of pathology. However, from time to time, dark, thick, hair suddenly grows in strange places and can be a signal of hormonal imbalance.

5. Is it normal for the breasts to sag more to the side?

Breast structure can change for a number of reasons: changes in body weight, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and genetics. If they were always like that, it might not matter. If both breasts are affected, it is less likely to be a problem involving sudden changes to the anatomy of only one breast.

6. Is there a way to make my breasts firmer and less saggy without surgery?

There are bras that can change how you look underneath your clothes. But the only way to change or improve your body is to do chest exercises. This won’t change your breasts, but will help develop the muscles underneath, which can make them “tighter.”

7. Why did the torturous ball grow on my chest and then go away on its own?

Usually when talking about cysts, the reason lies in the period of the menstrual cycle. Another thing that can change your breasts in this way is caffeine intake. The biggest concern is with the little balls that grow, don’t go away, and don’t stop growing or hurt. They must be watched.

8. Is it normal to have a small lumen in the areola?

Without further information and without being able to see, you can talk about Montgomery’s glands (which are normal anatomy). Fatty substances similar to those found in Asnes can escape from these glands.

9. Is it normal to have inverted nirrli?

Yes, it’s common. Many women have inverted and sometimes tense nipples from stimulation, heat, or during pregnancy. But most of the time they stay the other way around. If you’ve always had a standout, adorable nirr that suddenly spins around for an unexpected reason, it’s worth taking a look.

10. Can you breastfeed even though your breasts are very small?

Naturally. Breast milk production is regulated by hormones (rorolastin), not by breast tissue. It has nothing to do with your bust size.

11. Will my breasts return to normal after breastfeeding or will they be sticky and dry?

Breasts never return to 100% as they were before breastfeeding. Changes in breast structure occur after breastfeeding. However, many women worry about how they will look after breastfeeding.

12. I have strange dark spots on my chest that can’t be found anywhere else. Is that normal?

Small black spots on the areola are common. Hair follicles can grow. Blackheads that do not disappear within a reasonable time should be noted. Anything else that bleeds is also recommended to be checked.

13. It seems that near my areola there are many small holes (they look like hair follicles). Is that normal?

It is not uncommon for you not to have very smooth skin all the time in the areola. There are strained tissues in the areola and nipples, so as you fill in the blood, those tissues may look different.

There is a condition called inflammatory breast cancer (which is very rare and commonly seen in older women) that makes the skin look like an orange peel. However, this is not something that comes naturally. It grows slowly over time.

14. How common is it to have a cancerous / non-cancerous tumor?

Most lumps in young women are harmless and not cancerous. For women, the risk of developing breast cancer is 1 in 8. But other factors can also increase the risk of breast cancer, such as family history, genetic predisposition, hormonal imbalance, smoking, and the increase in alcohol consumption. Also, if there is a sudden change in your breasts, it is best to have your doctor checked by you.

15. Are there too many large areolas?

For some women, it may take a while before they feel comfortable with their breasts and accept the way they look.

It is common to find different shapes, colors, shades and proportions in the halo. Nothing ‘normal’. There is only one thing that is familiar to you.

16. I have one breast that is bigger than the other. Is it normal to have such a big difference?

It is almost impossible to find a bra that fits well.

It’s normal. Most women are not 100% symmetrical anywhere in their body. There are many women with diversity and asymmetry in breast size. Just worry if those changes happen suddenly.

17. Is it normal for your breasts to hurt when you are not approaching menopause?

Sometimes. There are certain things that can cause breast cancer: 1) your cycle time, 2) a caffeinated diet, 3) muscle aches or pains due to exercise, and 4) certain lumps, which can cause discomfort, especially if they are large.

18. What requirements must I meet in order to be breastfed?

From a medical point of view, other needs may be neck pain, back pain, and altered posture. Some women experience deep shoulder marks due to the removal and pressure of the bra belt. Others suffer from depression or need to limit their exercise.

19. Is blackness on the nipples normal?

The most common cause of dark discharge is ectasia (abnormal opening). Women may complain of greenish discharge from their breasts. It is harmless, but many people undergo surgery to remove it. However, BLOOD discharge from the nipple has NEVER been normal. This should be checked whether you are young or old.

20. My breasts always hurt. Is that normal?

It is very rare. It could be hormones, it could be related to eating caffeine or it could be that your bra is not properly balanced. Watch how you carry backpacks or bags, as this may cause muscle pain in the breast area. If that happens, though, it may be best to consult a physician.

21. When examining the breast, how can we distinguish between common and persistent bumps?

It is important to check your breasts at the same time every month, as soon as your period is over, as they will have very few lumps and bumps. Immediate changes from these intervals should be evaluated.

22. Is there anything we can do to enhance the sensitivity of the nipple in a positive way?

There are other topical agents that can be used (menthol, peppermint oil). But you can’t be too careful when it comes to nipple sensitivity. It is noteworthy that there is still nothing scientifically based on this subject.

23. Is it normal to have one nipple larger than the other?

If it is for comparison purposes, yes, that is probably your only variation. But if, over time, they become more and more unequal, that should be considered.

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