How Two Sisters Shared One Fiance And Coexisted Peacefully For Years (See Photos)


In most relationships, it is really hard for two women to share a man, but these two sisters have exhibited such an act. Earth’s famous identical twin sisters will soon be involved in a wedding to remember after being engaged to the same man.

Anna and Lucy DeCinque have shared the same boyfriend Ben Byrne for the past seven years and are now both engaged after he proposed on US reality show Extreme Sisters.

“Anna you mean the world to me and I want to spend my life with you and Lucy you mean the world to me and I want to spend my life with you, too. I love you, I love you both,” Ben told the sisters.

“I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make you happy.” The sisters have previously shared their hopes to marry Byrne and both fall pregnant at the same time.

The two sisters had been sharing a man for years.Even though their previous relationships had failed, the twins say they were lucky when they both fell hard for the same man who went on to become their fiancé.

Similar to all twins, Anna and Lucy dress alike, have the same haircut, eat the same food, and have undergone similar cosmetic operations. Can you share your man/woman with your brother/sister can you?

Content created and supplied by: Mainooco (via Opera
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Lucy DeCinque


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