Airlines Which Brings Passengers Who Are Not Vaccinated To Kotoka Will Pay U$3,500 Per Passenger.


Everyone needs to get vaccinated not to fall victim to the roles and regulations of the Ghana health service.

In a statement announcing new plans to guard against another wave of COVID-19 infections, the authorities said effective Tuesday, 14th December 2021, persons flying in and out of the country are to be fully vaccinated and to strictly follow stipulated guidelines for both self-preservation and the protection of the larger society.

It is stated that Airlines which bring in passengers to Kotoka International Airport who are not fully vaccinated and also Airlines that board passengers without PCR test results, or transport and disembark passengers with Positive PCR test results into Accra will be charged U$3,500 per passenger.

They also warned that no airline is allowed to bring passengers into Ghana without first pre-validating their TT code or TC issued online after a genuine PCR test result has been uploaded and analyzed using the PanaBIOS or Global Haven software.

Content created and supplied by: Zy0z (via Opera
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