Jesus Celebrations Center (JCC) Church Has Surprised Many After It Made This Unique Advertisement


The Jesus Celebrations Center is one of the many churches in Kenya and it has quite a number of congregants and branches across the country.

The church has however surprised many after it made a rather unique specification it it’s job advertisement. In the advert which was seen by, the church is looking for a Camera man.

However, the camera man is supposed to be a man who has all the expertise in dealing with the camera and has a deep experience on the same.

In addition, he should be able to speak in tongues and surprisingly enough, he should present the proof that he can speak in the tongues. This requirement has come as a surprise to many since tongues and camera work are things not related at all.

And looking at the nature of work for a Camera man, he is supposed to be busy taking videos and cameras while the church conducts it’s service or when there is a function in the church. And ideally, when one is focused at making his work better, there is no time to engage in other activities like speaking in tongues.

Content created and supplied by: MyCaydenpol (via Opera
News )

Jesus Celebrations Center


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