Rang’ala High School Student Beaten Thoroughly by Mob After he Was Caught With a Crude Weapon(VIDEO)


A student believed to be from Rang’ala Boys Secondary school was beaten thoroughly by mob at Ugunja town after he was found to be in possession of a knife

The incident which attracted angry residents occurred hours after the students were sent home following unrest at the institution.

The crown which was accusing the student to be one of the main notorious students causing fracas at institutions across the country wanted to understand the reason why he had such kind of a weapon while he was coming from school.

On Sunday morning, the management of the institution decided to send the students home after they went on rampage on Saturday night demanding to be released to go home for December holidays.

Through a message to media house, Rang’ala School’s Board of Management, chairman Stephen Onyango said that it was so unfortunate the students wanted to cause destruction on the school property just because they wanted to go home for holidays.

Despite the school principal assuring them that they could go home on Sunday Morning, the rowdy students went ahead and broke class windows and destroyed the school CCTV cameras.

Watch video here

With the police on ground, the student calmed down.

However, investigations has revealed that the protest started with a small group of students who have already been identified before it spread to the entire institution.

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Stephen Onyango


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