Is This How Ghanaian Women Behave; Massive Reactions After A Woman Disgraced Her Husband


The woman, Beatrice disgraces her husband, Kofi as she slaps him mercilessly during a live television program.

This is what happened; Kofi exposed Beatrice during the live television program.

Kofi said, Beatrice always defecates and hide the faeces under the bed.

Beatrice told the host of the program that, Kofi is telling lies but still Kofi insisted it is true.

Beatrice got furious and threatened Kofi that, she will slap him if he doesn’t stop lying.

Beatrice slapped Kofi because he was daring her to do so.

Click here to watch the video.

Social Media Users reacted to the video with a whole lot of comments after sighting it on social media.

One of the them asked that, is this how Ghanaian women behave?

The reason why he asked that question is because if Beatrice had tried it in Nigeria, she would have been beaten and killed for ambulance to come and take her remains.

Another social media user stated that, Beatrice should be arrested because if it was a man, the police would have arrested him for a long time.

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